Wednesday, February 9, 2011

things you should know about me

  • i love animals, all of them except maybe snakes...ok i am afraid of snakes...but other animals especially farm animals are cute.
  • i secretly wish to live on a farm, somewhere, anywhere....yeah a farmgirl, that would be fun. {hubby secretly wishes he could be a cheese monger after watching a show this weekend on the history channel about cheese, can't say I blame him, we love cheese.}

  • i'd like to own chickens too {even if I don't have a farm} I think it would be fun to raise my own chickens and have my own Martha Stewart
            Auracana Chickens give beautiful colored eggs

  •  i hope to start a business with my hubby soon
  • i love books and magazines. my favorite book when I was a child was "Charlotte's Web" and still is..
  • i crave order....but don't consider myself anal or anything  {well, maybe I should ask my friends what they think about this}
  • i hope to be at least a part time stay @ home mom..{i'm workin on it}
  • i love God, my family, and friends.....everything else is icing on my cake

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