Wednesday, July 27, 2011

got the blues

have the itch to repaint the bathroom.

 we painted {i mean hubby painted} some time last year
when all the painting was completed i really didn't like the color
he didn't either 
but i wasn't gonna have hubby repaint it
so we decided to live with it and see if the color would grow on us
it didn't

so i have been looking at some blues
 right now my bathroom looks like this

 lovely right {i am a little embarrassed with all the mess}
thats what you get when you decide to go with open shelves
live and learn

i have been looking through the web for some inspiration

 most bathrooms are painted white
i want to freshen up the room as the brown makes it feel too dark and dingy
you do not want to feel like that in a bathroom

here are some of the colors i am looking at

i want a soft whitish blue tone
this brown looks hideous especially in this picture
need to decide soon
so we can get to painting
what do you think?

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