Friday, August 19, 2011

i want a cow

today is the last free day before work starts
so i decided to stay home with my boys and catch up on a few last minute back to school errands
{and catch up on my blogs}

 this morning when i opened up my blog faves
what did i see?
 i saw this

and i immediately was smitten by the cute cow above his stove

i want a cow!

and then i remembered this cutie from miss mustard seed

isn't it just adorable. i beleive she named her Adele {though i think it is a he}

i think cows are just gentle animals
so if i can't own a real one
{not sure i want a real one}
i'd love to have one to hang in my home.

i like the muted colors on this print
 the colors would go well with my home

the last two prints are from google images

have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by.

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