Friday, November 11, 2011

today i am wanting

 1. a clean and organized house

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2. a trip to Paris

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3. a master bedroom make-over

4. a sign like this

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and since i am at it, a house like hers

(if you haven't met edie, go visit her blog, her house is amazing, her story is awesome!)

not necessarily in that order.
i guess that is not bad, at least for today.

sometimes when i get caught up in what i want or what i don't have
i have to stop and then realize that i do have a lot and i begin to have a grateful heart
though i may not have a lot by other's standards

i am grateful for what i do have:
a great husband and family
financial stability in these times of uncertainty for many
the opportunity to work part time and pursue other interests
a home to clean, organize, and decorate

God is good!

now to get back to my number one item, a clean house!

Have a great weekend!

images via pinterest

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