Saturday, December 31, 2011

new year's eve cleaning

Kitchen-Cleaning Kit
click on the image for cleaning tips

as a child, my mom would tell us we needed to welcome the new year with a clean house
it is superstitious, i know,
 but she would say if we had a dirty room for the new year,
 it would be dirty all year long.  gasp!
mothers will say anything to get their kids to clean their room.

this thought has stayed with me and today i find myself scrubbing walls and baseboards
that were long overdue for a good cleaning

there is something about welcoming a new year
new start, fresh beginnings
and in my case a clean home

i am resolving to take better care of my home and try to stay on top of the cleaning

i hope the new year brings you a fresh start and clean home.

thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, I better get busy. My house is not what I want it to look like this year. I still have four hours by California time to get it in shape. I just found you blog and love your style. I am your newest follower and I look forward to seeing your home and projects in 2012. Happy New Year! Patty
