Sunday, January 29, 2012

the day after

we had a birthday party for number one yesterday.
parties are so much fun. so much planning and effort goes into all the preparations.
we had lots of fun

but today all i wanted to do is spend time in my comfy place.

reading my new one year bible, sipping on my favorite tea, lounging on my conmfy bed.

not to mention i work tomorrow {my partner needed the day so we switched.}
i haven't worked a monday since last june.

hence this small post.
i will be back tomorrow to post pictures of the birthday party.

wishing you a blessed week.

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated birthday to your number one son!
    My bed is my comfy place too (same side of bed too;) and yours looks like a perfect place to recharge.

    Wishing you and your family a wonderful week!
    all my best,


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